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Stay on Budget: How to Boost Your Google Rankings With This One Simple Tip

If you’re building a start-up, you don’t always have the resources and the time to invest in big marketing campaigns. Luckily for you, it’s not all about splashing out. One of the most effective ways to get your brand noticed on Google is good SEO. Learning SEO can sometimes feel like learning a new language. But here’s a simple tip, recommended by the market intelligence resource ICEF Monitor that you can use to dramatically increase your Google rankings without much effort.

First things first – if you don’t know much about SEO at this stage, take a look at our previous blog post for the full low-down of the ‘S word’, including how to construct keywords that resonate with your customers.

So, here’s the tip as promised.

Rename images, pdfs or any other files on your website, incorporating keywords that your customers are likely to search for.

For example, an image with a file name 1336.jpg isn’t doing much for you in its current format. Instead, try to rename it as best_insurance_deals_in_bristol.jpg if you’re selling insurance to Bristol-based customers or tech_solutions_for_small_businesses.jpg if you’re running a tech start-up. If you know your customers well, you’ll have a good sense of what kind of things they are likely to search on Google. Changing the file name won’t change the way the image or file appears on the screen. But it will make a huge difference to search engine algorithms, placing you higher up on the ‘Google ladder’.

It’s also worth paying attention to the ‘ALT text’ of your images. According to ICEF Monitor, “The ALT text is the text that you see when you mouse over an image.” The ALT text tells your customer what the image is about, if they are visually impaired or if the image is taking its sweet time to load. It helps the search engine work out what the images or documents on your website mean. You can lend a helping hand to the search engine by renaming the description of objects like images and documents on your website with the SEO keywords in mind.

If you’re ready to step it up a notch, call us today for a quick chat on how we can boost your marketing strategy and help you stay on budget.

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