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Boost Your Growth and Efficiency Through Online Forms

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We all know the general benefits of using online forms as they reduce costs, saving time, paper and filing space in the office. The specific benefits of online forms to some companies make them essential to development and growth.

Cre8ion have recently built a new website for one of our clients, WE Bridge Academy, an English Language College that has revolutionised its student application process thanks to the input of an online form on the website.

Previously, common practice where online forms were concerned, was to complete a print out of a PDF of the form which would have to contain every single question, even some irrelevant ones. The completed form would then be scanned and sent, along with scanned copies of any supporting documentation. Although faster than using the postal service, the process had to allow for a certain amount of time, for instance, the sender might not have a scanner at home so would need to find one, or they might omit any necessary information from the form so the receiver would have to contact them to complete the PDFs correctly, rescan and then resend.

The new online form on the WE Bridge Academy website requires every necessary field to be completed before submission and furthermore, it allows the students to upload an image of their qualification. As the online form has conditional logic, only relevant fields are shown, so students who are learning English do not have to spend time translating questions irrelevant to their own application. Another benefit is that all the entries can be exported as a CSV file which is easily manageable and therefore ideal for usage in programmes and databases.

We Bridge Apply Page Mock Up, Cre8ion

When a prospective student has completed the online application form, an email is triggered to the college, allowing the college to set their own communication in motion, enhancing professionalism and further improving the overall speed of the process.

The college can analyse data from the completed online forms to inform marketing campaigns, showing which time of year applications are highest, where applications are coming from in the world and which courses and services are proving to be the most popular.

To get the same benefits of growth and efficiency that WE Bridge Academy did we would recommend adding online forms to your website.

Contact us to see what we can do for you.

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