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How to Steer Your Flying Carpet..or.. How to Connect With Your Audience

how to steer your flying carpet

So, I was wondering, “How Do you Steer a Flying Carpet?” The answer? Well, it depends on who you are asking: Here’s what I found on Google…

According to a contributor to a gaming website…
i) To avoid being killed in the game ”Dragon Crown” you must manoeuvre your flying carpet up and down as the first lava rushes at you. (VanguardFate)

According to a creative chap…
ii) In this clip Aviram Carmelo demonstrates how to successfully manoeuvre a flying carpet through the streets of Tel Aviv.

According to a scientific journal…
iii) On January 2, 2019, a team from the University of Pittsburgh’s Swanson School of Engineering designed a two-dimensional, shape-changing sheet. It’s roughly the width of a human hair and it flaps autonomously (on its own) in a reactant filled fluid. A real flying carpet steered by chemical reactions!

My point? Well, what you say could mean something different to each person you address. Google uses different algorithms to connect us with information and we too can use different methods to connect better with our audience…

For the best connection remember the three Cs:


Try to give a context that speaks to your audience.
You need to know what kind of message and visual is best for your audience.

When we used to buy nappies for our babies we’d notice the underwear designed to cope with incontinence was in the same section. It was white and unappealing, nappy-like. It seemed to be saying, “Use me when you are bedbound.” Now, this kind of underwear is available in pretty, lace-edged styles. That’s better! The underwear is no longer telling its buyers that they are over the hill. This product has connected cleverly to its audience by putting its message in a better context.


Be clear about what value you are trying to add.
Knowing and understanding your target audience gives you the opportunity to focus on their needs. Do you understand your audience’s pain points and do you offer a targeted solution? Well, if you’re not clear on who your target audience is, you might be attracting the wrong group of people. Those who don’t need and won’t buy your product. So why not use Google analytics to find out who is visiting your site?


Your track record is what sets you apart. It’s what gives your audience confidence in you and your product or services.
But what if you are a start up and don’t have any customers yet? You can establish credibility in other ways, like by demonstrating team credibility. Bring in an industry leader as an advisor.

When you start to get customers, make sure that you offer them the opportunity to feed back about your great product so that you have testimonials to publish. Your audience wants to know that somebody else that they can relate to is using your product or service successfully.

A flying carpet is a mode of transportation that can quickly or instantaneously carry users to their destination. A bit like using the right kind of messaging to reach the right people. If you need help with steering your flying carpet or with getting your brand messaging right why not contact us?

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