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How to Write Top Blog Titles That Bait the Click

So what made you open this post? Was it the title? What kind of titles will your audience want to open? How do you write an effective title? Read on….

1. “Short is dynamite.”

(Less than 50 characters… Enough said)

2. “Ten reasons to… or… Five top tips… or… How to…”

(Make titles actionable)

3. “Only 1% of blog writers know how to do this”

(Include a statistic or figure)

4. “Tailored titles cause buying frenzy.“

(What demographic are you chasing? What kind of thing are they interested in? The longer you publish on your blog and analyze what works for your audience, the more your blog title strategies should be based on your own data and then titles can be written according to audience’ taste.)

5. “Research and include relevant keywords and phrases.”

(Obviously they need to be used effectively and in context.)

6. Nailing your title.”  

(Be Specific. A specific blog title tells the reader which questions you’re answering and information you’re providing.)

7. “The “Best Way” to write a game changing title.”

(Offer advice on the “best way” to do something. Great for SEO. It matches searches exactly.)

8. “The “Easiest Way” to write a game changing title.”

(Again, great for SEO. People are more often searching the easiest way to do something over the best way to do it.) 

Kaitlyn Baker VZJdYl5JVXY Unsplash, Cre8ion

9. “Seven “helpful” tips become seven “revolutionary” tips.”

(Use compelling adjectives and adverbs. That’s much better… I mean… infinitely augmented)  

10. “In March 2019, 4.4 million blog posts published every day.”

(Use exact numbers. Vague or approximate figures could make it harder to trust the reliability of your info.)

11. “Marketing lessons from Boris Johnson’s administration.“

(Drop a famous name.)

12. “Surefire way to increase your CTR – 90% of bloggers don’t know this.“

(Create a sense of scarcity or urgency – ie. better hurry up and read this blog before anyone else does.)

13. “The Ultimate Guide to using Clickbait”

(Don’t lose your audience’s trust with a title that promises the world and does not deliver – they will not click through your blog next time they see it and that means they won’t buy your product either.)

14. “Latest Brexit development”

(Make sure you use fresh information.) 

15. “Delighted customers buy from website after reading blog.“

(Use evocative language.)

16. “Why Successful People Do X,Y and Z…”

(It piques everybody’s curiosity to find out how other people “made it”. This kind of blog title gives insight into how we, too, might be successful.)

17. “Brand agency or automated brand platform– which is best for you?”

(Pit two products against one another while capturing traffic for both services. A title like this allows you to write two separate, approving reviews for two services you offer. Genius.)

As a brand marketing agency we offer blog writing as part of our 360 degree service. If you need any help with blogging or any other aspect of your marketing please contact us. 


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