
Give your message momentum.

Invaluable Insights

Give your message momentum.

Our latest recruit to the digital team is Hungry Like The Wolf….meet Jon Doran (Doran)

We asked him to answer a few questions about himself so you could get to know him a little bit:

How did you find out about Cre8ion?

A mutual friend and former colleague Andy Hawkins had spoken to me about Cre8ion, often ‘bigging up’ the working culture there, something to do with a four day working week I think! It was Andy who told me that an opening had come up at Cre8ion and, considering my recent experience in graphic design, website design and social media, he thought that I might have a chance! He connected me with Darrell and then with Mike, head of digital at Cre8ion. The rest, as they say, is history.

We are about storytelling at Cre8ion. What’s your story Jon?

I spent my formative years in Sheffield and then moved further south to Shropshire. I moved into Bristol to study interactive design for a year and I fell in love with the city. I promised myself that, one day, I would return. Working in Bristol with Cre8ion means that I’m keeping my promises!

I’ve always enjoyed being both creative and a problem solver, in equal measures, so I enjoy ‘hands on’ work in a variety of areas. When I was little I loved to draw which led to an interest in Photoshop, and when I got older, a wider interest in graphic design. From graphic design I got into to building websites, which I found to be particularly satisfying from a problem solving point of view. 

What do you think is the most important thing about brand marketing?

I think it’s understanding the ‘Why’ behind what you are doing. I know that it’s true that brand marketing becomes more meaningful and can be inspirational if you start with both the client’s and the customer’s ‘Why’. People keep recommending that I read Simon Sinek’s work on ‘Finding Your Why’. Sinek reckons that everyone is entitled to wake up in the morning inspired to go to work, feel safe when we’re there and return home fulfilled at the end of the day. 

Also, when you are marketing a product or service you need to pinpoint what the audience you are marketing to actually care about. If what you are communicating does not resonate with what is important to your audience, however nicely designed it might be, your product or service won’t sell.

What kind of things are you most looking forward to doing at Cre8ion?

Cre8ion seems to be at a really exciting stage in its growth at the moment, so I’m coming on board at a good time and I’m looking forward to growing with the company. I’m really happy that I’ve got an opportunity to be able to do more web design work. I get to be creative and to solve problems at the same time! It feels like a privilege to get paid for doing the things that I enjoy most.

We are really pleased to have Jon with us and look forward to seeing more of his creativity, turning an Ordinary World into a Perfect Day!

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