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The Power Of The Overnight

One of the things that helps us makes decisions is the power of the ‘overnight’.

Too often in the sales world, the salesperson is looking to close the deal to get it all done in the moment and if we are honest, getting the deal done really does feel great!

Yet, as purpose driven companies we have to be more about the deal alone and think more about alignment and finding the right fit. It should be more than a deal, it’s about living with the real.

There is a great quote on marriage which (paraphrased) says something like, “We marry the ideal, and then live with the real”.  When I think back to Clare and myself getting married it was a bit of a whirlwind and although it all worked out, our first year wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

You see, in a marriage, or indeed any relationship, there is an authenticity that you need to have that sustains the relationship. This month marks 21 years of an adventure and, sat in a cafe just the other day, I reflected and marvelled at how I have been blessed with a very special family of adventurers.

What helped Clare and me to unite in our whirlwind romance was more than just an attraction for each other, and yes, it’s still there, but deeper than that was our sense of values. We both wanted to impact people’s lives and over the years this has meant that we have been involved in missions, marriage counselling, and putting purpose back into people’s lives where it has gone missing.

So, back to the power of the overnight. What is it? Well, sleeping on a decision gives you time to decide what you really want. In some respect, I believe that’s why we threw caution to the four winds and ran down the aisle a few moths after having met. It was because we had already decided we both wanted a partner with whom we could share a set of values and go after God together.

When it comes to making BIG decisions, give people space to make them confidently. We give our clients all the information to make the right choices by taking time to get to know one another through discovery calls and meeting face to face. Cre8ion are looking for longer term partners rather than one night wonders and I believe that is why we have a diverse array of clients that we consider friends.

In business we have learned a few things that have helped us find partners for the long haul.

It’s not about you being the right fit, it’s more about your clients being the right fit.
Be confident in what you stand for. My biggest mistakes in the industry have come from wanting to help people without taking enough time to find out just how much they are willing to listen.

Sales is about speed, success is about service.

Serving your prospects from the outset means you are doing more than just selling. Demonstrating how you add value can help you pass the kindness on, and free you up from coming over as desperate. I’ve given thousands of pounds worth of advice for free, and ideas worth millions, and while I don’t expect anything back, doing this has created more opportunities and connections that have transformed our agency.

If you are not sure, get some clarity with the overnight test.

Your day can become busy and what you really want can be obscured by circumstances. I’m a big believer in being aligned with your heart and of course that is the very thing that has helped me and Clare in life. We are aligned. We love people and are always looking to help them do better, be better and inspire the next generation. If you are not sure, sleep on it and if you can’t sleep on it, there is a warning sign right there. Always makes decisions based on peace rather than performance alone.

The right clients have a reputation that you can become associated with.

It’s funny when you pitch and people see your client list. It says a lot about you. We’ve worked with some great people over the years. Our client list reflects our ambition to create a world class, sustainable creative agency helping one hundred thousand CEO’s create purposeful brands that give companies legacy, building brands with purpose that empower people to create a better planet. Why? To use the media to create community impact, globally.

That is why, we have what we have. We are clear who fits.

Your team should love working with your clients.

Ultimately, as a business owner and entrepreneur, the day to day will be looked after by your team. If your team love the people they serve, that makes for great work. We don’t want people that think swearing down the phone is acceptable, or talking about others in a way that has more to do with their own insecurity. We want people on the same page, people that want to create a positive impact. As you build a portfolio of clients who are delightful to work with, poor behaviour will stand out a mile and you can address it. Peace is key. Go with your gut and if you feel uneasy, listen!!!

Finally, with the right clients, you’ll do special things!

We love creating special brands for our clients, it’s a real privilege to be able to look back and know that you have played a part in someone else’s success. Collaborating with purpose driven brands is especially satisfying as their success is beneficial to people, purpose and planet, both now and in the future. Contact us today if you need help to succeed on the next stage of your journey.

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