
Give your message momentum.

Invaluable Insights

Give your message momentum.

Amplify your reputation with the art of conversation.

BT many years ago had a strap-line, ‘It’s good to talk.’ Why? Because staying connected helps us to be more human. We are meant to talk and how often we talk is often down to our personality. Introverts talk less and extroverts talk more, but, in business, talking is quite simply vital to your success.

A failing business is one that is not having enough conversations. Turning it around means having more of them! If you are not talking, walking though tough times is harder. To grow your business, turn it around or even supercharge it, the speed at which this happens is related to the number of conversations you have.

The temptation is to go silent, when in fact silence is the last thing you need. Learn to turn up the volume and amplify what you do best!!!

Five key conversations to have to help your business!

Talk to yourself – Do Business

Talking to yourself is a good thing, but talking yourself down isn’t. Sometimes your self talk can be negative so writing out those thoughts helps put them into perspective. What you fill your mind with forms the conversations you have with yourself. If you are watching horror, that anxiety creeps into your world. Choose comedy and light heartedness instead.

Want to improve your leadership? Then get listening to some positivity, principles and perspective!
Words form worlds. Make sure you flood your thoughts with good words to create a better world.

Talk to strangers – New Business

Mother said not to, but you’ve got to! Now you’re a bit older it’s ok! The growth of your revenue, recruitment of talent and the strength of your reputation is all about learning to overcome the uncomfortable.

  • The awkward silences.
  • The odd handshake.
  • The ‘hug or not hug’ dance.
  • The forgotten name (after one second).

You don’t have to be afraid. Everyone does it, we all face it. Don’t worry. IF one conversation can change your life then isn’t it worth the risk?

Talk to clients – Repeat Business

Its harder to win a new client than to create more opportunities to serve your existing ones. Gyms make this mistake all time. Chasing new people and forgetting to take care of the existing ones.

Conversations should be continuous and, as with friends, having them regularly deepens the connection and creates more opportunities.

When stuff happens we get used to solving it by ourselves when in fact sharing experiences with your existing relationships can open doors, unlock cheat codes or help you discover insights you lacked previously.

Repeat business comes by solving more problems. The more you talk, the more you’ll be able to help.

I find the value I give through my network continues to build trust and creates fresh ways to build!

Talk to experts – Wise Business

If you want to walk and talk you need people smarter than you. Learn to ask great questions and always ask for help!

Stop trying to be the wise one and learn from people smarter than you.

The most direct way to do this is to ask older people! The grey hair or lack of hair indicates a wealth of insights that you can invite into your life if you are brave enough!

Wise people look different, live differently and think differently. Too often we forget the lessons of the last generation and make the same mistakes one generation on. We can be avoid doing this if, rather than always seeking the new fad we learn from what worked before.

Innovation in tech has already happened. Long before software. From flight to landing on the moon. From transforming city skylines with skyscrapers to building cities in the deserts!

The past can and should inform the future!

Talk to team – Shape Business

Having the best team is everything. If your team isn’t tight then your load will not be light.

Interestingly, this year my leadership team cast the vision rather than me? Why? They know the mission, understand the wider vision, and carry our values.

A true team can shape the team following them. My job is helping leaders lead. When you build this way you pass the baton on. I like nothing more than casting vision, but even more than that it’s about empowering others to do the same. First you shape people, but then you need to help those you’ve shaped to shape others!

The world’s best teams know their identity and can celebrate the differences.

Yes it is good to talk! Don’t focus on the conversions, lead with impact and the income takes care of itself. Having multiple conversations increases the chances of collaboration and that will make all the difference.

Amplify your reputation with the art of conversation and that big picture in your heart will become the talk of the town.

Want to start a conversation with us? Reach out today

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