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Give your message momentum.

The never-ending opportunity of always open

Open 9-5, Monday to Friday, is something we are all familiar with.

Then there’s boundaries, balance and focus… we’ve read the books and applied the principles. Only, have we missed the actual power of what it means to be “open”?

We need to be open to the interruptions, the unexpected and the happenstance because they are the things that move a business into a new mode of operating.

In my life, the power of being open to the unexpected is something I actively seek. Open doors have to be walked through to feel the benefits of that risk.

Being open has led to new clients, fresh businesses, new tools, techniques, traction, and collaborations.

Being open-minded and open-hearted has allowed for transformative moments that have brought fresh momentum when motivation was slowing.

Being open has helped me on this journey called entrepreneurship. Let me explain…

OPEN TO – Talk to strangers.

This is No.1 when looking for opportunities. Talking to strangers transforms possibilities into opportunities. When you meet someone you don’t know it opens the door to meeting more people that you don’t already know.

The more people you get to know, the greater the opportunity to grow your network.

Relax. Don’t approach the conversation with your target audience in mind, let the conversation flow. Why? Because if the person with whom you are talking is not “your fit” they might know someone who is.

The prince or princess you are looking for might have a gatekeeper that you have to speak to first! Sometimes your dream date more than likely came about by talking to the friend first, and you discover who they are connected to later.

Being open to strangers is one way of remaining open to possibilities.

OPEN IN Crisis… it can be a catalyst.

Change isn’t easy and never so much as when it comes through crisis. Being open to change in a crisis is a skill few lean into. Too often we want to undo the crisis when in fact the crisis is showing you a fresh opportunity.

In my book, I explore the power of the crisis and the opportunity it brings. Being open to change creates the stepping stone to it.

When you know that crisis has a cycle you’ll learn to ride through it and navigate the journey with a clear process around what to expect.

The crisis is often not knowing. Half the time the battle through the crisis is knowing that there is a step-by-step process that follows.

Find out more by listening to my podcast on it (find the episode) or even getting hold of my book – The Crisis Catalyst (add a link to buy)

Being open to seeing the positive in what could be perceived as negative is an amazing principle to live by. Crisis is normal, a lack of crises, might mean you aren’t taking enough risks and you won’t grow.

OPEN UP – Energy is a great decision-maker.

The more energy you have, the smarter the decisions you’ll make. Never make a decision when you are tired, under pressure or when you feel low. Time pressure may demand it, but there is a high chance you’ll get it wrong. Energy is not a spooky thing, it has more to do with you and how in form you are.

If you could rate how you are out of 10 where would you be? 1 is low, and 10 high. Making decisions around the energy you have helps when you can rate your energy levels.

  • 0-3 – NEVER make a decision.
  • 4-6 – LOOK at options and ponder.
  • 7-9 – SEEK perspective, then move.
  • 10 – TAKE action, alignment.

These metrics will save you from making bad choices. You have to have energy to make choices but too many decisions deplete you. Decision fatigue is real.

Protect your form by allowing others to highlight that form.

Always be open to review YOURSELF. Check-in with yourself and see where you’re at. The more tired you are, the worse the emotion. Tiredness creates more of a mess. So many of us have people window shopping and yet we appear to have the sign on the glass saying closed. Too busy, too tired, too focussed on the now and disregarding to focus on what’s next.

Being creative at heart, I have learned the power of being open to ideas. Collaboration ultimately is about being OPEN to possibilities. I believe being open is a skill that can birth new and winning ideas.

When Clare (my wife) and I got married, we weren’t so open. In our early days, we were trying to protect ourselves from past mistakes. The depth of our relationship grew when we became more open.

23 years on, the strength of our relationship is being able to express where we are and what we are going through. When it’s tough we can talk to each other, and when it’s good we can invite more people around our table.

Even in tough times, even with the eclipse, the end of the world, or the sky falling, don’t stop speaking to strangers because your greatest comeback could well be caught in a conversation.

Open for one? Get in contact with us today…

Watch the latest episode of the Purpose People Podcast today via the link below…

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