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Blog - Weekly Insights for Purposeful Business

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When purpose makes pleasure guilt-free.

Purpose vs pleasure. Is it possible to have both at the same time?  It’s a challenging question as purpose is often pursued at the expense of pleasure (running a marathon for a worthy cause for example) and then purpose is left on the shelf when pleasure is one’s only pursuit.  ...

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Setting the right course in seasonal change

The weather is just starting to warm up properly here and the kids are outside every day in their new paddling pool. They’ve never had it so good! The pool they had last summer fell victim to the neighbour’s cat. ...

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What Do You Do When The Well Runs Dry?

I recently read that a well’s lifespan is considered to be roughly 20 to 30 years. A water well, not a wishing well, that is! It’s a fact of life that wells can just dry up. Over time, and because ...

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How the Clouds of Crisis can Clear

Every day I’m reminded of the importance of having the right outlook. Having the right outlook helps me to make the right decisions. How do you react when bad times hit? Does your outlook change? Can you see the positive? ...

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Shifting gears for traction

Too many people want to focus on the short term where sales are concerned. It’s all about the win. That’s an old-fashioned sales mentality though. Today, rather than being good practice, it comes across as desperation. If you are unwilling ...

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Get a name that equips you for the game

I’m not superstitious but I think that numbers have a certain significance. My favourite is the number eight. It’s a number that means something to me because it’s linked to my company. It was my favourite number as a football ...

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Humility – the winning brand

When I teach brand marketing I lead with the importance of empathy with the audience and the necessity of adding value. It wasn’t always like that though. There was a time when arrogance was my middle name. I also described ...

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We build brands that inspire belief and create belonging, to become the best in their sector and go beyond expectations.

Our process all starts with the Purpose Playbook, a workshop that will get to the core of your value proposition and clarify how you can connect with customers.